The MSc in Children's Nursing enables you to develop a reflective, enquiring, critical and innovative approach to your professional practice. You'll further develop the knowledge and understanding with which to enhance your professional practice and advance in an analytical approach to care which is based on best available evidence. You'll also learn to understand the current structure of Children's Services Provision and the role of the nurse within that structure. You'll demonstrate your commitment to excellence in providing care for children and their families, as well as analyse future research needs within your area of practice. Your studies should contribute towards improving care provided for children, young people and the family.
In addition, you'll enhance your life-long learning skills and personal development, enabling you to work with self-direction and originality as well as contribute to professional practice and to society.
Distinctive features of this programme include:
This programme is aimed at Children's Nurses who expect their career to remain primarily in child health care professional practice, are working in primary, secondary or tertiary clinical settings and who wish to continue their academic development to postgraduate level.
Improving quality, change management and leadership
Applied anatomy and physiology for children and young people
Fundamental concepts of caring for children, young people and families
Building practice skills for children's nursing
Enhancing practice skills in children's nursing
Care of the critically ill child and young person
Applied pharmacology and medicine optimisation in children's nursing
Research in health and social care