With the modern world increasingly reliant on data-driven decision-making a degree in data science open doors to diverse career opportunities. BSc (Hons) Data Science provides you with in-depth knowledge of statistics, programming languages, and data handling. Equipping you with skills that are in high demand makes you well-positioned to enter the competitive job market.
Data Science is at the forefront of current technological advancements, offering a dynamic and intellectually stimulating career, where you can contribute your skills and make an impact. With great emphasis on developing your employability skills, Data Science provides you with the competence and confidence to pursue and succeed in these roles
The BSc (Hons) Data Science course teaches you how to work with data in a variety of different ways. You will learn how to collect, store, analyse, and present data for different purposes and industries. You will also learn how to use different tools and software to handle data.
This degree will help you acquire a range of transferable skills that are essential for academic and professional success, such as curiosity, critical thinking, adaptability, and research skills. You will also learn how to solve problems and find insights from data. You will learn elements of data visualisation, storytelling and its ethical use, as well as data automation with AI. This will help you understand the role that data-based computing can have in a range of business and industry contexts.
The course gives a balance of theory and practice, with opportunities to apply your knowledge to real or simulated projects and scenarios. You will focus on technical data analysis applications and services for industries that require expertise in data-focused computing sectors, using database development technologies.
Computational Fundamentals
Data Protection, Ethics, and Compliance
Data Warehousing
Introduction to Data Analysis Methods
Programming Concepts
Algorithms and Data Structures
Data Essentials
Data Visualisation and Presentation
Information Security
Using Programming to Achieve Mathematics
Statistical Methods
Big Data & AI
Advanced Data Technologies
Knowledge based Systems in Artificial Intelligence
Learning Machines and Intelligent Agents
Legal Aspects of IT
Data Science
Advanced Programming